It was for practicing English that I read this story, which was written for children. For the same reason, I didn’t expect much and thought it easy and childish. After I finished it, however, though I thought the story is not good enough to be a masterpiece, it is definitely good enough for practicing English.
Because the scene was in countryside, I learned many farm words and some phases that I wasn’t familiar with. Also because it is written for children, the words in the book are not too uncommon. But don’t think it is too easy to practice. The author arranged words so cleverly that I was often surprised by common words. I think the book reading is very worthy.
In the story, Charlotte’s Web, Wilbur is a lovely and honest pig, and he has a savior in very beginning, Farn, who is also one of his best friend and leading role; Charlotte is a scheming and kind spider, which is different to the other common stories--- spiders are always the blood thirst role. To rescue Wilbur’s life, the spider waved words on webs and a beautiful story. However, different to the movie trailer (I didn’t see the movie) , Farn was only the leading role of the former part. Following the flow of the story, Farn was almost invisible. (Ok, I confess that I am a spoiler.)
In the end, I think maybe somebody would think why I wrote this in English. The reason is same as the reason I read Charlotte’s Web. Wish me a better English skill.
By the way, this book is really cheap that I bought it for only 95 NT dollars!